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Personalized Styling with Lesley

Get In-Store Experience With Personalized Shopping Recommendations

Say goodbye to mornings filled with "I have nothing to wear" and hello to a seamlessly versatile collection of outfits that excite and inspire you every day.

How It Works
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Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

STEP ONE : Deep Dive into your Closet

Your  personalized consultation begins with a deep dive into your closet, where we'll assess, organize, and curate your wardrobe to ensure it aligns perfectly with your personal aesthetic and functional requirements.

How It Works
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

STEP TWO: Tailored Advice

Hop on a zoom call for tailored advice on outfit combinations, accessorizing, and shopping recommendations to ensure you always step out in confidence and style.

How It Works
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

STEP THREE: Craft Your Cart

Lesley will craft your cart to a wardrobe that's as unique and dynamic as you are based on your consultation. Only keep what you want! (only $100 minimum order!)

How It Works
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

STEP FOUR : Check your mailbox!

Get ready to transform your relationship with your closet and discover the joy of dressing up every day!

How It Works
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

STEP ONE : Deep Dive into your Closet

Your  personalized consultation begins with a deep dive into your closet, where we'll assess, organize, and curate your wardrobe to ensure it aligns perfectly with your personal aesthetic and functional requirements.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

STEP TWO: Tailored Advice

Hop on a zoom call for tailored advice on outfit combinations, accessorizing, and shopping recommendations to ensure you always step out in confidence and style.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

STEP THREE: Craft Your Cart

Lesley will craft your cart to a wardrobe that's as unique and dynamic as you are based on your consultation. Only keep what you want! (only $100 minimum order!)

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

STEP FOUR : Check your mailbox!

Get ready to transform your relationship with your closet and discover the joy of dressing up every day!

A Letter From Lesley

Imagine a closet that breathes simplicity yet exudes elegance, where every piece is thoughtfully selected to complement your unique style and lifestyle needs. 

One of the things I loved most about having a brick and mortar was helping my customers find pieces that they love!

When I decided to go fully online I wanted to ensure that I was able to keep this vital piece that I loved so much.

A personalized consultation begins with a deep dive into your closet, where we'll assess, organize, and curate your wardrobe to ensure it aligns perfectly with your personal aesthetic and functional requirements.

I cannot wait to help you feel powerful and confident every time you leave your closet !!!

Love, Lesley